
here the thing.last night, i menonton twilight utk kali ke brape tah at star movie.then, i realize one thing.i like watching twilight not because robert pattinson. woaah. believe it or not.although mr.pattinson sangat la cool.*maybe that is minor reason.winkwink.i like watching twilight because the story is beyond the reality mane ada vampire mmg ade?*kalu ade sila la dtg jmpe i because i really want to meet a vampire.berani abes la ney.vampire fall in love with kan?i might watch twilight again and again.maybe bila tgk new moon nanti i hafal da script twilight.haha.sgt teringin menonton new moon.this time i dont know la bape kali muka i will be at the theathre watching new moon plus skang sudah ada bnyk invitation nk tgk new moon.kalu i pegi sume mmg abg-abg dan kakak-kakak yg keje kat kaunter tiket akan cam muke aku la.

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